Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you never wear but have been there for months or even years? You're not alone, statistics show that women wear around 30% of the items in their wardrobe most of the time. A recent survey found that on average women have 14 items of clothes in their wardrobe which have never been worn.
It's time to stop wasting money and get yourself educated. Ignore that guilty inner voice that has prevented you from decluttering your wardrobe properly in the past and stop kidding yourself that you 'might wear it one day'. It's time to let it go, move forward and make the right decisions from now on. Equipped with the right knowledge it's really not as hard as you think to achieve wardrobe bliss!!
So why do we own clothes we never wear? Possibly because when you bought that dress you had an image in your mind of how it should look but it just doesn't live up to expectations. Maybe the style or cut doesn't flatter your figure or the colour's not quite right or maybe you're not sure which accessories to wear with it.
Several things are wrong with this picture:
- It's a waste of money - but don't feel guilty as everyone makes mistakes and I can help you to attain the right buying skills so that you don't make the same mistakes again.
- These clothes are taking up unnecessary space in your wardrobe. Where's the sense in having a wardrobe full of clothes that you don't wear? Surely it's much better to have a smaller selection of clothes you love to wear which can easily be mixed and matched to create a variety of interest looks.
- Getting dressed for work or any occasion becomes much harder as you go through the same motions of trying on things that you wish looked right but don't, before settling on an item of clothing you always wear and are probably bored with.
Having an organised and "decluttered" wardrobe is hugely beneficial for many reasons. If you only have items of clothes you love, and which suit your body shape and colouring, all displayed in the one place then:
- Getting dressed in the morning or for an evening out becomes enjoyable and stress-free
- You will make full use of what you own and wear more varied combinations of clothes
- You will always look great as any items that don't flatter or suit your body shape will have been removed and/or replaced
- Never again will you get to work or arrive at a social event and wish you were wearing something else
Before we get started on the wardrobe declutter I will carry out a:
- Colour Analysis
- Body Shape Analysis
- Assessment of your Style Personality
- Lifestyle Analysis (to ensure you have the right clothes for your lifestyle)
I will help you put together a shopping list of items you need to replace or purchase in order to complete your wardrobe, as well as giving you tips on where to find the items you need and what styles and cuts will suit you best.
When I leave you will have a wardrobe which only contains items of clothing that you love and look great in. You will open your wardrobe doors and love everything you see!
The whole process (wardrobe declutter; colour analysis; body shape analysis; style personality assessment & lifestyle analysis) takes 4 hours and the added benefit is that once finished you will be able to go shopping and choose clothes with confidence as you'll know which colours and styles suit you.
For a limited time only you can hire me for these services as a package at a reduced price. If you book before the end of February for any time during the next 3 months then it will cost £180.00 instead of my usual price of £230.00.
To take advantage of this offer please e-mail me at
Alice Treanor © 2011
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